Return on Equity - is one of the most important ratios, showing
profitability of the company. It shows how profitable the money of investors
are being used in the company and what wealth they are bringing to the
investor. This ratio shows how much of the profit belongs for the shareholders
equity. The ratio is calculated by dividing net income by equity. Equity is the
difference between the assets in the company and its liabilities and they are
taken from a balance sheet.
If the company has big loans, then liabilities are very large in the
company, so the equity part, in comparison with liabilities, is lower. If the
liabilities are needed to pay interest, it will decrease the profit of the
company. Other factor is sales - if the sales are getting low, it means that
for the same fixed costs and product prices, the profitability of the company
will go down. As you can understand, for the calculation of this ratio a lot of
factors are included.
It is useful to calculate several different ROE’s over the period when
analyzing company’s profitability. In this case the investor will be able to
see the changes in the company and trends of profitability over the period. The
investor should compare Return on equity ratio during few years period if he
wants to see, how the shareholders equity is reinvested over the period.
Return on equity ratio shows the effectiveness of equity usage. If the
company earned 500000 Euros of net profit which is already decreased by the
taxes, depreciation and financial expenses, and had equity of 2 million Euros,
then Return on equity for this period would be 0,25 or 25%, which means that
every invested Euro brings 25 Euro cents of return. This is very good ratio for
this situation, because the ratio is very high. Usually the ratio is between
10-20 percent. There might be a scenario that the equity during the period is
changing, so the investor should calculate an average of it.
The company’s situation would be declining if the level of assets would
be rising, which could be inventory of the company and the debts of customers.
So if the company is working profitable, and the assets are declining, the ROE
ratio would be getting higher. The purpose for the investor is to choose the
most successful company that would be generating profits from its activities by
reducing inventory and debt of customers, but not from increasing its
liabilities by taking loans and increasing debt for the suppliers. To evaluate
the borrowed capital the investor should also calculate Return on capital employed ratio.
To conclude with Return on equity ratio, it would be good to remember
that calculation of the only one ratio is not good way to
evaluate the whole company, because increase in one ratio can show decrease in
another, so clever investor should check not only the ratios, but also look
through the balance sheet and profit and loss statement, which would show which
factors influenced the ratios that the company has at the moment. It would help
the investor to see the overall picture of the ratio’s place in the company and
decide whether the company is worth of investing or not.
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